From ChatGPT to NewsGPT, the first news channel generated by an AI
The revolution continues. First it was the OpenAI chatbot and image generating AIs, then the radio station and now the ‘AI journalist’.
NewsGPT claims itself as the world’s first news channel generated entirely by artificial intelligence. Powered by state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and natural language processing technology, this AI tool can scan relevant news sources from around the world in real time and use this data to create news and reports that are accurate, up-to-date, and unbiased. .
In an official blog post, Alan Levy, the CEO of NewsGPT, stated that NewsGPT is a revolutionary development in the news industry. He mentioned that news channels have struggled with biased and subjective reporting for a long time, but NewsGPT aims to offer factual and truthful information without any hidden agendas or bias to its viewers.
This is not new. Companies like BuzzFeed, have already begun leveraging OpenAI’s ChatGPT to assist in the creation of human-involved content to curate AI-designed content, such as curators and content monitors.
The Verge website has reported that CNET, a media outlet, has announced its testing of the “discreet” use of artificial intelligence to create articles. However, the company has reportedly initiated significant job cuts among its journalists, including several long-term employees, just a few weeks after the announcement.
The use of artificial intelligence to replace career journalists has been criticized by many in the field, who view it as a “disparagement of the very act of journalism”. Jackson Ryan, a CNET reporter, expressed similar sentiments a few months ago while discussing the influence of ChatGPT in an article. Ryan noted that while the popular chatbot is impressive, it is not capable of performing a journalist’s job.
In fact, keep in mind that “authority” is one of the metrics Google emphasizes on web pages when deciding what content ranks high in search, emphasizing authoritative editors/ journalists/ writers within their field. Human authority would be lost with these articles generated by artificial intelligence, so they would go against the SEO of a website by not being valued in the same way.
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